Senior year is coming to an end. This week is going to be great and I cannot wait till it's over. I'm so happy that we are all graduating and moving on to bigger and better things. Once the final presentation was over I was able to literally feel this lift off of both of my shoulders. Even though it was an overall great experience. I was glad that my senior presentation went so well. I was so anxious and nervous since days before hand. My favorite part of my presentation would have to be the activity. Since my topic was makup artistry I only had three guys join my presentation. I had those three apply makeup on someone else which is why i separated then into three different groups. I picked the guys because they were either not paying attention or didn't know much about makeup. What the rest of the girls did was help the guys and talk them through the whole process. They also had the information I had just given them in the presentation. The overall application was alright but the best part was watching them struggle. Here are some pictures from during my activity.
Samantha's Senior Blog
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Blog 23: Final Lesson Reflection
(1) Positive Statement
What are you most proud of in your block presentation and/or your senior project? Why?
What are you most proud of in your block presentation and/or your senior project? Why?
I was the most proud of my research time and time overall. In my second lesson plan I almost didn't make time. This time around I was extremely nervous about not making the thirty minutes research time and the hour. Once I began the presentation I realized that I was more than prepared for the presentation. I was able to present for about forty on research time and then use the rest of the block for my activity and it could've gone for longer if I was allowed too. I am really proud of how much I was able to pace myself and just go into depth as much as I did with all the information to support all of my answers.
Senior Project:
I would have to say that for my senior project I am most proud of how much I was able to accomplish. I was able to keep up with everything that was thrown at me without getting overwhelmed or even waiting till the last minute to complete my work. I am honestly proud of how much I did not procrastinate and was surprised to see how the years prior really prepared me for my senior project.
(2) Questions to Consider
a. What assessment would you give yourself on your block presentation (self-assessment)?
AE or High P
(2) Questions to Consider
a. What assessment would you give yourself on your block presentation (self-assessment)?
AE or High P
b. What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project (self-assessment)?
AE or High P
AE or High P
(3) What worked for you in your senior project?
In my senior project everything worked for me. I think something that really benifited me with my senior project would have to me used books for my research insead of articles. Articles on my topic were opinionated and not reliable so very early on I got tons of books and used all that information because it was factual. This was probably what made everything else go so smoothly because everything somewhat revolves around your research, where you get it from, and if it's reliable or not.
(4) (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your senior project if you could go back in time?
(4) (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your senior project if you could go back in time?
Honesty if I had a time machine I wouldn't change anything about my senior project. Everything worked for me and if I did struggle with something I overcame it quickly. If anything I would just tell myself before my presentation to relax because I was completely prepared and I had no reason to be stressing in anyway.
(5) Finding Value
How has the senior project been helpful to you in your future endeavors? Be specific and use examples.
Since I am not planning to make this a career in the future this I a difficult question to answer. I would just have to say that it prepared me for big tasks that I need to complete in the future. This project really taught me how to pace myself and use my time wisely. This will help me in college because college will be a new task that is coming quickly. I know after completing such a huge project that as long as I study or do my research that I can fully dissect the task thrown at me. Which is truly helpful in any future endeavor.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Blog 22: Mentorship
How has what you’ve done helped you to answer your EQ? Please explain.
Essential Question: "How can a makeup artist best maximize customer satisfaction?"
Answer one: A make-up artist can best maximize customer satisfaction by communicating with the customer.
Why: What I have done during mentorship helped me come up with my first answer which is right above. I came up with this answer because of how much I realized my mentor communicates with her clients. Not just one on one but also in order to self promote herself it takes a lot of communication. If it weren't for communicating with other makeup artists, her clients, and other business she would be out work or it would be very difficult for her to find work. While my mentor is one on one with her client she is talking 95% of the time. This is to learn about the clients skin and also allowing them to feel comfortable and welcome.
Answer Two:A make-up artist can best maximize customer satisfaction by using the proper techniques during application.
Answer Three: A make-up artist can best maximize customer satisfaction by insuring the client has had the proper skin care regiman before application.
Why: What I have done during mentorship helped me come up with my three answer which is right above. I came up with this answer because of the information my mentor told me on top of research. I My mentor tells me that a skin care regimen is great because of so many reasons. It can brighten the skin, clear up acne, combat ant aging, prolong the wear of the makeup application and much more. A skin care regimen is usually done by the client on her own time if that's what se chooses. It is not something that the makeup artist does except for applying moisturizer and primer because those are the final steps of prepping before makeup is applied.
- Senior Project Hours
- Cathy Martinez (Self Employed)
- Contact Number (626)337-8529
What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
The most important thing I gained from this experience would have to be realizing how the field of makeup artistry truly is. I have learned that this field is not easy. It is very difficult to get into and you're constatly looking for more work. I have also gained alot of respect for how hard people in this field have to work on a day to day basis. Then there is the huge amount of information I have learned from assisting my mentor and watching every step she takes while working with a client. Overall it would probably be the amount of knowledge that a makeup artist needs to know and physically put to work while with her client. Many things come into play and they have to all of that into consideration constantly.
How has what you’ve done helped you to answer your EQ? Please explain.
Essential Question: "How can a makeup artist best maximize customer satisfaction?"
Answer one: A make-up artist can best maximize customer satisfaction by communicating with the customer.
Why: What I have done during mentorship helped me come up with my first answer which is right above. I came up with this answer because of how much I realized my mentor communicates with her clients. Not just one on one but also in order to self promote herself it takes a lot of communication. If it weren't for communicating with other makeup artists, her clients, and other business she would be out work or it would be very difficult for her to find work. While my mentor is one on one with her client she is talking 95% of the time. This is to learn about the clients skin and also allowing them to feel comfortable and welcome.
Answer Two:A make-up artist can best maximize customer satisfaction by using the proper techniques during application.
Why: What I have done during mentorship helped me come up with my second answer which is right above. I came up with this answer because of the amount of research I did on top of everything I learned from my mentor. Every different technique can create a different appearance on the skin. The makeup artist need to be able to asses the clients skin and determine what are the right and wrong products to use. The proper techniques need to be used in order to have a great look that is long wearing meanwhile satisfying the client.
Answer Three: A make-up artist can best maximize customer satisfaction by insuring the client has had the proper skin care regiman before application.
Why: What I have done during mentorship helped me come up with my three answer which is right above. I came up with this answer because of the information my mentor told me on top of research. I My mentor tells me that a skin care regimen is great because of so many reasons. It can brighten the skin, clear up acne, combat ant aging, prolong the wear of the makeup application and much more. A skin care regimen is usually done by the client on her own time if that's what se chooses. It is not something that the makeup artist does except for applying moisturizer and primer because those are the final steps of prepping before makeup is applied.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Blog 21: Exit Interview
(1) What is your essential question, and what are your answers? What is your best answer and why?
(1) What is your essential question, and what are your answers? What is your best answer and why?
Essential Question: How can a makeup artist best maximize customer satisfaction?
Answer One: A makeup artist can best maximize customer satisfaction by communicating with the client.
Answer Two: A makeup artist can best maximize customer satisfaction by using the proper techniques to ensure a great result in the overall makeup application.
Answer Three: A makeup artist can best maximize customer satisfaction by ensuring the client has there own personal skin care routine for their own individual skin type.
Best Answer: A makeup artist can best maximize customer satisfaction by using the proper techniques to ensure a great final result in the overall makeup application.
Why: This is my best answer because the techniques while applying makeup play the biggest role. Skincare and communication are great answers and do play a role they are just not as important as the techniques being used. A makeup artist need to be able to have a client and already know how to determine what she or he needs in order to achieve a look that best maximizes customer satisfaction. She or he would use the knowledge the have about makeup and not need to communicate in order to ask questions or give the client the proper skin care routine. Even though the client might not have a skin care routine or even though the makeup artist might now communicate that much with the client, the makeup artist will still be able to create a great overall makeup application. There are many different techniques, some work better than others and others work better for different skin types. In the end it depends on the client and what techniques need to be used and manipulated to ensure a great final result in the overall makeup application.
(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?
The process I took to arrive at this answer was tons of research. I searched every website article, book, and video. I have also took all the information from my interviews and mentorship. All of these recourses are what helped me to arrive at my answer. I choose to use books more because they had more factual information from people that were licensed in the field of makeup. It was fairly easy to find all of my answers thanks to the help of my mentor. The hard part was determining which one was the most important to answering my essentially question.
(3) What problems did you face? How did you resolve them?
The only problem I faced was at the beginning of my research and that was when I was looking for where I could get all of my information from. I tried researching articles online but that was not helpful for me at all. Except till the very end with helping me with my I search paper. I just resolved the problem by searching for other recourses that I could get my research from and lucky i found couple books on my topic that has plenty of information.
(3) What problems did you face? How did you resolve them?
The only problem I faced was at the beginning of my research and that was when I was looking for where I could get all of my information from. I tried researching articles online but that was not helpful for me at all. Except till the very end with helping me with my I search paper. I just resolved the problem by searching for other recourses that I could get my research from and lucky i found couple books on my topic that has plenty of information.
(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?
- Jones, Robert. Makeup Makeovers: Expert Secrets for Stunning Transformations. Gloucester.
- Hawker, Yvonne. Make-up Designory's Beauty Make-up. Burbank, CA: Make-up Designory, 2004. Print.
- Mentorship
I had many significant sources that helped me answer my essential question. I used all of these because of the fact they were all written my professional makeup artists except from mentorship of course. I found that these books provided me with the most information and the information that was the most factual. All of these gave me information on the techniques and all different things that come into play while applying makeup which is why they were the most significant in helping me answer my essential question.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Extra Blog Post: April
Career day was this week and I was lucky enough to get to see a makeup artist. In my opinion i feel that she was very experienced in her field. The only problem was she wasn't that well that presenting which made the overall presentation not that great to watch. What was interesting was how she did and had been working as a makeup artist for the TV show modern family for about six or seven years. I had taken a picture of her during the presentation but sadly my I phone fell into the toilet recently and the picture was lost. It was interesting to see how she began at a makeup school that at the end helped her get a job right of the back. She said it herself that this field is very difficult to start up in and that you are constantly searching for more work for yourself. After she was done presenting the floor was open to any questions anyone had and her answers where very informative. I had many questions of my own and after the class I asked her questions based off my own makeup, products she recommends, and just anything that came to mind. One thing that was really great to look at was the makeup kit filled with all of the different products and brushes that she would use if she was meeting with client. It was nice to know about her personal experience as a makeup artist.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Blog 19: Independent Component 2
(a) “I, Samantha Angel , affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 31 hours and 40 Minutes of work.”
(b) Book Sources
Davis, Gretchen, and Mindy Hall. The Makeup Artist Handbook: Techniques for Film, Television, Photography, and Theatre. Amsterdam: Focal/Elsevier, 2008. Print.
Jones, Robert. Makeup Makeovers: Expert Secrets for Stunning Transformations. Gloucester, MA: Fair Winds Pr., 2005. Print
Hawker, Yvonne. Make-up Designory's Beauty Make-up. Burbank, CA: Make-up Designory, 2004. Print.
(c) Senior Project Hours
(d) My independent component consisted of researching, listening to my mentor, watching videos creating a book and physically applying makeup on others that would allow me to do so.
Defend your work and explain the component's significance and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work. Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work.
Creating the makeup book was very significant to my senior project because it gave me a feel of what all makeup artist do every single day while applying makeup. I was able to learn how to work under the pressure of someone else waiting and watching you apply makeup on them. You have to really have a certain type of mindset while working on someone else. You need to know how I communicate and ask question like what they like and dislike. You are under pressure because don't get a second try so it has to come out great. I felt that creating this book gave me a sense of that. I really couldn't wait until I got to the part where I physically started applying makeup. I was the one creating the different looks based of what someone else wanted and it was very difficult but exciting.
How did the component help you answer your EQ? Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped.
This component allowed me to understand all of the research I have done. I finally put them to use while applying makeup on others. I was able to learn about how all these looks are accomplished using the products and techniques. Luckily I had people close to me that allowed me to preform on them. This component took me beyond what I previously knew because I was finally putting my knowledge to the test. I stepped into the baby shoes of a makeup artist and how she or he works on a daily basis. It was truly different from my experiences with my other component because that was creating a look on paper rather than a person.
(a) “I, Samantha Angel , affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 31 hours and 40 Minutes of work.”
(b) Book Sources
Davis, Gretchen, and Mindy Hall. The Makeup Artist Handbook: Techniques for Film, Television, Photography, and Theatre. Amsterdam: Focal/Elsevier, 2008. Print.
Jones, Robert. Makeup Makeovers: Expert Secrets for Stunning Transformations. Gloucester, MA: Fair Winds Pr., 2005. Print
Hawker, Yvonne. Make-up Designory's Beauty Make-up. Burbank, CA: Make-up Designory, 2004. Print.
(c) Senior Project Hours
(d) My independent component consisted of researching, listening to my mentor, watching videos creating a book and physically applying makeup on others that would allow me to do so.
Defend your work and explain the component's significance and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work. Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work.
Creating the makeup book was very significant to my senior project because it gave me a feel of what all makeup artist do every single day while applying makeup. I was able to learn how to work under the pressure of someone else waiting and watching you apply makeup on them. You have to really have a certain type of mindset while working on someone else. You need to know how I communicate and ask question like what they like and dislike. You are under pressure because don't get a second try so it has to come out great. I felt that creating this book gave me a sense of that. I really couldn't wait until I got to the part where I physically started applying makeup. I was the one creating the different looks based of what someone else wanted and it was very difficult but exciting.
How did the component help you answer your EQ? Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped.
This component allowed me to understand all of the research I have done. I finally put them to use while applying makeup on others. I was able to learn about how all these looks are accomplished using the products and techniques. Luckily I had people close to me that allowed me to preform on them. This component took me beyond what I previously knew because I was finally putting my knowledge to the test. I stepped into the baby shoes of a makeup artist and how she or he works on a daily basis. It was truly different from my experiences with my other component because that was creating a look on paper rather than a person.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Extra Blog Post: March
I have been working on my independent component two for about a month. This process is just gathering information on what looks I want to apply on my "clients" or if I want them to just choose a look and I will preform it. I feel like I have many different ways I can do this but I'm not sure what the most effiecent way would be? I have been getting more products or tools that I will need to preform the application. I have many people in mind or willing to be my "clients". Again like I said there are any way I can tackle actually applying the makeup on my "clients" but I'm not sure which is best. I can meet with them individually which would be the more realistic or I can just have them all show up at one location preform on all of them. Since I cannot go and buy all of the products for there individual face I am going to have them bring their on products and I will have some of my own.
Overall I'm really excited on how my independent component two is going to turn out.
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